Sunday, March 6, 2016

100-year-old news highlights from The Monroe Journal from March 1916

The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published five editions 100 years ago during the month of March 1916. Those issues, which were dated March 2, March 9, March 16, March 23 and March 30, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from those four editions. Enjoy.

MARCH 2, 1916

Messrs. Riley Kelly and W.R. Manning of Excel transacted business at the county capital Monday.

Miss Jennie Faulk has returned from market and is preparing the formal opening of her new spring stock of millinery.

Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Hare, Miss Eppes and Master Nicholas Hare made an auto trip to Montgomery last week to witness the great Movie play, “The Birth of a Nation.”

Mr. C.C. Wiggins has established an Auto Bus Line between the city and West Monroeville, the local station on the Gulf, Florida and Alabama railroad. The bus meets both the north- and south-bound passenger trains daily.

Our quiet burgh was startled about noon on Monday by the alarm of fire. Investigation developed that fire had broken out on the roof of Mr. M.M. Fountain’s cook room and threatened the destruction of his dwelling. Half a hundred citizens and visitors quickly resolved themselves into a bucket brigade and the fire was soon extinguished with slight damage.

The L&N Railroad depot and freight house at Monroe, together with all office furniture and supplies, were destroyed by fire on Monday night. There was only a small quantity of freight in the warehouse at the time hence the loss aside from the building is not heavy. The fire was discovered at a late hour of the night by Mr. W.R. Shirley but was already beyond control. It is surmised that the building caught fire from an overcharged telegraph wire, as an electric storm prevailed at an earlier hour of the night.

MARCH 9, 1916

Dr. and Mrs. A.B. Coxwell, Miss Willie Johnson, Prof. E.P. Yeldell, Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Mims and Mr. H.J. Coxwell went to Mobile Friday to witness the great Movie play, “The Birth of a Nation.”

There will be a special meeting of the local Chapter U.D.C. in the Presbyterian church on Tues., March 14, at 3 p.m. for the election of officers and the transaction of other business of the Chapter. All members are requested to be present and prepared to pay dues. – Mrs. Lucy Burns Hybart, President.

W.J. Henderson has removed his tonsorial parlor to the Yarbough building on the southside of the square where he will be pleased to accommodate his friends and patrons.

Mr. W.P. Deer of Claiborne was a business visitor to the county capital the first of the week.

Dr. H.T. Fountain of Burnt Corn was among Monroeville friends the first of the week.

One of the largest audiences ever assembled in the High School auditorium was present to greet Ralph Bingham, the master humorist in the concluding attraction of the Lyceum course for the season. Mr. Bingham rendered a varied program which was hugely enjoyed.

MARCH 16, 1916

The ladies will serve a dinner Wed., March 22, at the old hardware store for the benefit of the high school.

The Methodist ladies will serve sandwiches on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week for the benefit of the new church.

Hon. Miller Bonner of Camden, candidate for judge of the state court of appeals, was here Tuesday renewing his acquaintance with his many Monroe County friends. Mr. Bonner is a gentleman of high character and a lawyer of ability. Naturally, the people of his neighboring counties feel most kindly toward his aspirations.

Hamil Memorial Day was observed by both the Monroeville and Burnt Corn Methodist Sunday schools last Sunday and offerings amounting to about $5 were made by each school for the memorial building at Auburn. At the Burnt Corn school a special program appropriate to the occasion was rendered under the direction of Mrs. J.K. Kyser.

Mrs. Julia Hatter Emmons has opened a Kindergarten at her home on Eastside and will be glad to enroll all beginners under seven years. Mrs. Emmons recently took a special course in kindergarten work in Chicago and is prepared to conduct the institution along lines of latest developments in this work. This is the first institution of the kind ever established in the county and is worthy of liberal encouragement.

On Thursday night, March 23, in the auditorium a concert will be given under the auspices of the local Music Club. The program will be furnished by a gifted violinist and several other artists from Selma and other towns, and you may expect an evening of genuine pleasure.

MARCH 23, 1916

Circuit Court convened on Monday with Judge Ben D. Turner presiding and Solicitor McDuffie representing the state.

Mr. L.W. Locklin was made foreman of the grand jury. Only one week of court will be held this term in consequence of a light docket.

There will be given at the Jones Mill school auditorium Friday evening at 8 p.m., March 30, a recital by the music and expression pupils of Miss Shell. Everybody invited. No admission fee.

Rev. J.E. McCann of Andalusia occupied the pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening, delivering able and forceful sermons. Dr. McCann made a special appeal at the morning service in behalf of Emory University.

County Medical Society: The Monroe County Medical Society held a most interesting session of Wednesday with an unusually large attendance of physicians of the county. A number of able papers were read and discussions had on subjects of special interest to the profession.
The secretary has kindly promised a full report of proceedings for next week’s Journal. At night, an eloquent banquet was served at the Crook Hotel, covers being laid for some 15 or 18 including a few invited guests among whom ye editor had the honor to be numbered.

MARCH 30, 1916

Judge Thomas W. Davis of Thomasville, candidate for circuit judge, was a visitor to the city last week.

The U.D.C. Chapter will meet at the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon, April 4. All members are requested to come and bring dues.

The body of Mr. Frank M. Wiggins was found in the woods near Salem Wednesday morning. Mr. Wiggins went out hunting Tuesday afternoon, and failing to return to his home search was instituted with the result stated. He had evidently died several hours before from natural causes.

The heaviest rainfall of which there is any record in this section visited practically all parts of the county on Saturday night. All streams were swollen beyond previous high water marks and nearly all bridges were damaged. Recently built roads stood the strain much better than was expected but they were also damaged. Plowed land suffered badly from erosion. The wasteway of Hatter’s mill, four miles from town, was blown out occasioning a loss of several hundred dollars, while the Chandler mill near Peterman was practically wrecked. Reports from various neighborhoods indicate that hundreds of cattle were caught by the backwater and drowned.

Among the delegation from Monroe County who attended the Forrest Highway meeting in Montgomery Friday were: F.W. Hare, L.J. Bugg, G.B. Barnett, C.E. Barker, Rev. C.A. Williams, W.G. McCorvey, J.B. Barnett, Clifton Hines and ye scribe of Monroeville, J.K. Kyser, Dr. W.G. Hairston and Dr. H.C. Fountain of Burnt Corn, C.J. Jackson of Tunnel Springs and J.U. Blacksher of Uriah. 

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